The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Casino Week, Big Event committee budget approved

The Student Government meeting on March 20, was called to order at 6 p.m.

All College      $7,598.16
Conference      $1,640
General            $14,743.92
Leadership      $1,200
Spirit                $1,347.77
Student Government Total     $26,529.85

Club Report – Pre-Pharmacy Club

First up was a club report from the pre-pharmacy club. Vice President Hillary Harris presented to the SG board. They discussed community service efforts they participated in including helping to distribute food at the food bank in Wilkes-Barre and participating in the Big Event in April. In the fall, they sold tumbler cups to raise funds, but were not as successful as they had hoped. They also sold T-shirts and sold approximately 80 shirts. The club had planned a trip to Body World in New York City but were unable to go due to Hurricane Sandy. They also just held a pharmacy roundtable for pre-pharmacy students which students in the Doctorate of Pharmacy program spoke about what to expect in the School of Pharmacy.

Visit from Dr. Wignot

Interim Provost and senior Vice President Terese Wignot was at the meeting to announce that SRS forms will be going online. She said  that 80 courses and 50 professors will partake in the pilot program and students will have a window of time to complete the survey. Now student response rate to the SRS forms is about 60-80 percent according to Wignot but she is hoping the same will be true for the online forms. She discussed having incentives for students to complete the survey, but has not decided on anything yet. The form will be mobile friendly for students filling out the online survey, a suggestion the SG board brought up to Wignot. She also noted that tenured faculty are the only ones participating in the survey.

Relay for Life Committee

The Relay for Life committee was back for its second week of fund requests. They are requesting money to pay for food, T-shirts and other supplies for the event. Bethany Sharpless and Peter Tuzzo were there to present and answer any questions from the board. Sharpless said they have raised approximately $13,000 and hoping to reach a $35,000 mark for the event. A motion was made to allocate $1,025 to the Relay for Life Committee, which was passed with a vote of 34-0-8.

IEEE Fund Request

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering presented to the SG board for its first week of requesting funds for the Engineering Olympics. Lucas Domulevicz and Nick Watkins presented and answered questions the board had. This year they asked schools to pay a $50 non-refundable registration fee. In previous years that money would have been refunded to schools. They are requesting $1,170 to cover costs pertaining to the event, which will be held April 5.

“I think it is a really great event,” junior class treasurer Adam Bailey said. “I think it is worth investing.

WCLH Fund Request

Representatives from WCLH 90.7 FM presented for their first week of fund requests from SG. Kyle Wolfe and Justin Franiak presented on their 24-hour broadcast to benefit Relay for Life. They plan on purchasing T-shirts to raise money for the event. To lower cost to students, they are requesting $7 for every Wilkes student up to 100 students. The broadcast will take place on April 12 in conjunction with the Tom Bigler Journalism Conference.

Big Event Committee

The Big Event committee was back to finish their fund request. Taylor Moyer, Julie Miller and Christian Victoria recapped the event for the board and answered any questions SG had. They are requesting $2,400 from the board to pay for supplies that will be needed for that day, which is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April 7th
“This is a great event,”  Sergeant at Arms and senior class representative Kyle Wolfe said. “I think SG should continue this event.”

A motion was made to allocate $2,400 to the Big Event Committee, which passed with a vote of 32-0-10.

Casino Week Fund Request

The Casino Week committee was there to round out its fund request. It is requesting $12,278 for prizes, food and supplies for the event. The event will be April 9-12 in the Henry Student Center. A motion was made to allocate $12,278 to the Casino Week Committee, which passed 37-0-5.

Capital Projects Committee

Capital Projects Committee presented on the mountain bike rental program that Wilkes offered to students. Charles Hanford, Michael Warkala, Julie Miller and Anthony Fanucci presented on updating the program and expanding it for students. The program currently has three bikes, four helmets and three locks and they want to purchase seven additional mountain bikes, seven locks and seven helmets. They plan to purchase three medium size bikes, two large bikes and two girl-style bikes. The cost for each bike will be $375, the price for helmet is $29.99 and each lock is $9.99. They will also be purchasing a bike stand for $75, bringing the fund request total to $2,980.

“I think it is a great program,”Sophomore class treasurer Peter Tuzzo said. “We need to make it available to as many Wilkes students.”