The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG Notes: relay committe, Casino Night present

Feb. 27 Meeting Budget

All College      $7,598.16
Conference      $2,640.
General            $18,495.92
Leadership       $1,200
Spirit                $1,347.77
Student Government Total     $31,281.85

March 13 Meeting Budget

All College      $7,598.16
Conference      $2,640
General            $14,743.92
Leadership       $1,200
Spirit                $1,347.77
Student Government Total     $27,529.85

The Adventures in Science committee was back for the second week of its fund request. Committee member Felicia Snyder was there to present the request and answer any questions the board had.  The committee requested $1,500 to pay for T-shirts, bags and prizes for the students that attend the event. The event focuses on science for local students to come in and work with Wilkes students and professors for the day.

“I think this is a fantastic program,” Peter Tuzzo, sophomore treasurer, said.

A motion was made to allocate $1,500 to the Adventures in Science Program. The motion passed 38-0-4.

The hockey club was back for the second week of its fund request. The executive committee of Hockey Club presented to the board, which consisted of Ryan Maloney and Sean Ryan. They requested $1,825 to participate in a hockey league at Revolution Ice Center. The center reduced the cost of playing from $260 to $200 for the team so they were able to participate. A motion was passed to allocate $1,825 to the Hockey Club, which was passed 38-0-4

The Choral Club was back for the third week of its fund request. There were some questions over the club account balance and the board tabled it until the Feb. 27 meeting. The club had a negative account balance of -$82.15. The club was requested funds for the NEPA Bach Festival on March 17.

Chorus director Steven  Thomas was there to present the third week fund request. A motion was made to allocate $373 and $7 to cover each Wilkes Student that attends the concert, up to 50 students, for a total of $723. The motion failed to pass resulting in a vote of 18-19-5.

Another motion was made to allocate $715, which would be $65 per Wilkes student that is participating in the event.

The motion passed 19-18-5, but President Kris Rivers vetoed the motion because it was too close.

A third motion was made to allocate $7 per Wilkes student and the 11 members that were participating in the event up to 61 students. The total cost being $427 to the choral club. The motion passed 34-3-5.

Enactus Club (formerly Students in Free Enterprise) presented to the board requesting funds for their regional competition in Baltimore, Md. Enactus members Christian Victoria and Dominic Manzione presented to the board.
They are requesting $1,000 for five hotel rooms for the competition. It is a chance for them to present projects they have been working on all year long, and a chance to network with other business professionals. Eleven members will be attending the competition in Baltimore. A motion was made to allocate $1,000 to the Enactus Club, which passed 32-0-10.

The Relay for Life Planning Committee presented for their first week of fund requests. They are requesting $1024.75 to buy T-shirts and food for the event. Members of the committee that presented included Tuzzo, Bethany Sharpless, Rebecca Gordon, Justin Davis and Brian Palmiter. The event this year will be held April 20 and 21. The event lasts both days to symbolize that patients are struggling with cancer 24/7. The group has done numerous fundraisers to date, with more planned in the future. So far 281 students and 31 teams signed up to participate in the event. They are anticipating about 400 students to participate total.

“I think it is a great thing because we are supporting students to help them support this great organization,” Catelyn Sofio, junior class representative said.

President Patrick Leahy stopped by the meeting to talk to the board. He discussed that the Student Response Survey forms that are  filled out by students at the end of the semester will be going online. He said it is a preliminary idea being tested out. He also talked about the fact that this is the time of year when many high school students will be visiting campus and making their decisions. He asked the board to be very courteous and helpful toward students and their parents. He also said that the new Cohen Science Center is on budget and on time.

“It is going to be fantastic,” Leahy said. He also offered words of wisdom to those seniors that are graduating this semester. “Make it count, it is a special time,” Leahy said. “All the best to you this semester.”

The committee in charge of the Big Event, which includes Taylor Moyer, Julie Miller and Christian Victoria, presented to the SG Board.  The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m on April 7th.. They will be providing breakfast and transportation to those that will participate. They are requesting $2,400 to buy supplies, T-shirts and bags for everyone who participates. They have talked to the American Red Cross, Salvation Army and many other service organizations. The service projects will be in the local Wilkes-Barre area.

The Casino Week Committee, which includes Sam Bickert, Adam Bailey and Stephen Sawka, presented their preliminary budget to the board. This semester’s Casino Week will be held April 9 to 12 and will follow the spring concert on April 8. They will be back next week for a final budget approval.