The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Future Business Leaders of America chapter recognized as SG club

The Student Government meeting on Feb. 13 was called to order at 6:03 p.m. in the Miller Room

All College: $7,916.16

Conferences: $2,640

General: $18,275.85

Leadership: $1,200

Spirit: $1,347.77

Student Government Total: $31,379.78

The Adventures in Science fund request was moved until the next meeting because of a scheduling conflict. They will be at the next meeting to begin their fund request process.

The Wilkes chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, Future Business Leaders of America, was at the meeting this week to finish the process of getting club recognition because of an issue of who was going to pay dues for members to join the club.

Phi Beta Lambda is a club in the business department that allows students to compete in local, regional, state, and national competitions. Students in the club are able to participate in events such as business law, business ethics, and marketing concepts.

Last semester, Adam Wychowanec, presented on Phi Beta Lambda, but SG members were concerned that the $300 that comes from SG to each clubs would be spent for dues to a club. SG Constitution requires open membership for all members interested.

The Jay S. Sidhu School of Business and Leadership agreed to pay the dues for the members each year and the club’s constitution was changed to reflect that decision.

A motion was made to recognize Phi Beta Lambda as a Student Government club. The motion passed 35-0-7.

Capitol Requests was in for their second week. Julie Miller did a quick overview of the cost and installation procedures for the board. Miller said the money would be coming out of the buffer fund to purchase the treadmills.

A motion was made to allocate $22,246 for Capitol Projects to purchase new treadmills for the Marts gym. The motion was passed 33-0-9

For this meeting, the SG board participated in a much-anticipated activity regarding the SG Constitution. The board discussed how it can be more open to the student body at Wilkes.

Ideas mentioned were email lists to all students, a newsletter that would be released to students and a diversity of majors on the board.

“I think the board needs to realize that there is a fine line between representing and ruling,” Senior class representative Lindsey Coval said. “We need to work on reducing the size of the SG bubble.”

John Sweeney, senior class vice-president reminded SG members to sign up for the SG Relay for Life team.

Anastasia Mauger, sophomore class president, said that they have sold more than 100 long sleeve T-shirts for their fundraiser. They plan on doing another order if students are interested.

Junior class,  president Julie Millersaid they are finalizing their sweatshirt order and design. The sweatshirts will be a 1/4 zip sweatshirt. They hope to be selling i nthe near future.

Both Off-Campus Council president Nick Wierman and Commuter Council president Chris Cousins said they are glad SG members will be working on including off-campus and commuter students to participate in events that happen on campus. They say that some students feel that on campus events are not for them. They are hoping that by opening the communication between SG and off campus students, more students will particiapte in on-campus events.

Upcoming events for campus is the MSC/ISA program on Feb. 22, the Big Event is on April 7 and the Spring Concert is on April 8.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer