The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Final provost candidate visits, speaks on campus

The third provost candidate visited Wilkes last week. She was the final candidate in the university’s search for a new chief academic officer.

Susan Turell serves as the associate provost at Clarion University of Pennsylvania in Clarion. On Tues, Feb. 12, Turell met faculty, staff and student leaders as a part of the interview process.

She also participated in a forum for members of the campus to ask her questions on her plans if she was selected as provost.

“We are coming to an end and I think the search committee has been pleased with the caliber of the candidates who applied to the position,” Vice President of Student Affairs Paul Adams said.

In the forum Turell talked about a multitude of issues ranging from tenure for faculty to online learning and its effectiveness in the learning process.

“The key is a faculty that is trained in order to create an effective online community,” Turell said.

In the forum, Turell touched on tenure for faculty and staff and the criteria she would implement for reaching the mark.

“I think tenure is key to an institution of higher learning,” she said.

Turell said that she would implement new criteria for tenure that would include good teaching report, research, scholarship and service. She would put an emphasis on the good teaching report and research in their designate area.

Turell also said the provost should have an open door to the faculty and getting out on campus to talk to people.

She also touched on a liberal arts education saying, “There are so many skills that are a part of liberal arts education” She continued by saying, “we want to create lifelong learners.”

Turell also mentioned that she would not push all staff into a mentoring role toward students because not everyone is made for that role.

Members of the committee met with President Patrick Leahy on Feb. 15 to go over the three candidates and give them their feedback.

Ultimately Leahy will decide the next provost however there is no set date as to when the decision will be made.

The next provost should be in place by summer 2013, ready for the students to return in the fall.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer