The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG notes: Group requests new treadmills for Marts

The Student Government meeting on Feb. 6 was called to order at 6:02 pm.

All College – $23,816.16

Conference – $2,640

General – $18,875.85

Leadership – $1,200

Spirit – $1,347.77

Student Government Total – $47,879.78

First on the agenda was a second-week budget presentation for the Spring Fling. Amber Konopka, student director for the Spring Fling, presented the budget and was able to answer questions that SG members had.

Konopka was able to reduce the cost of dinner to $18.95 per person. A motion was made to allocate $13,940 for the Spring Fling. The motion passed 35-0-8.

Next on the agenda was a second week fund request by the Running Club. Robert Sperazza, president of the Running Club, presented on the Relay for Heat event.

The club was requesting $600 to participate in the event. The cost breakdown is $5 per mile per student.

The relay benefits the Martin Luther King Foundation, which helps underprivileged homes in Luzerne County during the winter months. A motion was passed to allocate $600 to the Running Club for the Relay for Heat event. The motion passed 36-0-7.

The Capitol Projects committee presented a first week budget fund request. Julie Miller, junior class president, presented a proposal to purchase four new treadmills for the fitness center in Marts Gym.

According to the presentation, all the equipment in the center is approximately 10 years old. There are currently seven treadmills, only four allow running and one is “walk only.”

The proposal is to purchase four new treadmills in the center. Each treadmill is $5,499 and a one-time $250 installation fee, for a total fund request of $22,246.00. There was conversation about the topic as well.

“We (as freshman representatives) think it is a great idea,” freshman class president Logan Rutch said. “We want to acknowledge Capitol Projects for always finding the little things on campus that needs to be addressed.”

The Capitol Projects committee will be back next week for a final vote.

Finally on the agenda was the selection of Member of the Month. Nominees were taken and the winner was announced. Christian Victoria was announced as the winner for January because of his hard work and dedication to Student Government and being a great role model.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer