The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Student Government starts preliminary discussion of Spring Fling

The meeting on Jan. 30 was called to order at 6:03 p.m. in the Miller Room.

All college: $31,316.16

Conference: $2,640

General: $18,875.85

Leadership: $1,200

Spirit: $2,493.44

Student Government total: $56,525.45

First on the agenda was a club report from the Speech and Debate team. Presenting was Melissa Caprio, president of the speech team. Meetings for the club are on Tuesdays at noon in Capin Hall.

They participated in a Junior Achievement Program as a part of their community service project, along with hosting two different tournaments.

The first tournament was a high school forensics tournament, which raised about $600 for the club. They have a collegiate level tournament coming hope, and according to Caprio, should raise about $1,000 for the club.

She said that the debate team participated in a debate camp over the summer, along with the speech team participating in a workshop.

She said that the club does a lot of traveling. It had been to New Jersey, New York, Las Vegas and Canada to name a few.

It just got back from a tournament in Canada. They had five winners out of the 14 who participated. Students who are interested in joining should contact Professor Christine Mellon.

The Running Club was there for a fund request. Robert Sperazza, president of the club and Samantha Blincoe, treasurer for the club, were there to present. They are requesting $600 for the Relay for Heat to be held on Feb. 9.

The breakdown of the event is $5 per mile ran by Wilkes students. Last year wilkes students ran a total of 37 miles, which amounted in $185. The money raised will go the Martin Luther King Fund, an organization that raises money for underprivileged homes in the Wilkes-Barre area.

A preliminary budget discussion on Spring Fling was held. Peter Tuzzo, sophomore class treasurer, presented the budget in place of Amber Konopka, who could not attend.

The dance will be March 22 at Genetti’s Hotel ballroom at 7 p.m. They are requesting $14,950 for the dance. There was a discussion about having two DJ’s at the dance.

“I know in the past we have used DJs in WCLH,” said Ian Foley, SG vice president said. “We can stimulate those other options instead of using outside resources.”

The Operations Committee met during the week. Foley warned members of SG to be conscious of who is around them when they are swiping into the residence halls.

Do not let anyone in that they do not know. Also, he said they will be adding an Ethiopian Flag to the SUB, to represent students who are attending Wilkes from Ethiopia.

The Council of Clubs will be Feb. 12 at 11:30 in the Miller Room.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer