The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Programming Board spring concert creates controversy

The 2013 Programming Board Spring Concert has been announced and it may not have been a warm reception to students.

The spring concert this year was announced at the end of Pizza Wars last month as Neon Trees. Since the announcement, there has been some controversy as to how the votes were collected and who voted.

“I know that some people are unhappy with the choice,” said Programming Board adviser Melissa Howells. “However, we implement the most democratic way of choosing the concert and we ask for suggestions.”

Many students complained about the choice almost immediately after the decision was announced. A video was posted on the Twitter page wilkesproblems called “Hitler Reacts to Wilkes Spring Concert,” which depicts a scene from a movie in German in which Hitler becomes enraged with captions with phrases such as “Last year it was Mac Miller! And now Neon Trees! They have one song and it sucks” and “I pay 40,000 thousand a year and I get Neon Trees! I would have been happy with Tyga, maybe even Luke Bryan, but Neon Trees?!”

Students complained that they didn’t receive the survey for concert voting and of all the students on campus, the number that actually voted was a slim.

Programming Board concert committee chair Lindsey Coval said she had seen the video posted online, but declined to comment. Howells said she did not see the video and declined to comment on it as well.

Students even reacted to the video that was posted.

“That video was uncalled for, to not only Programming Board but to the school and its students,” Rebekah Harris, sophomore pre-pharmacy major said.

Programming Board said that they used email as a primary resource to reach students, but also used Facebook, Twitter and QR codes at the Snowball dance and around campus. They also asked for suggestions from students at Club Day, along with other Programming Board events.

“In terms of getting the survey out there was an email issued, but as an Resident Assistant, I sent it out to all the other RA’s on campus,” Coval said. “It was posted on the Programming Board Facebook around 13 times; it was posted on Twitter multiple times as well.”

This year the Programming Board instituted a new type of survey that listed a first and second choice for students to choose from. They used Google forms to compile all the votes and tabulate a winner.

Students had to enter their Wilkes identification number into the survey to cast their vote and students were only allowed to vote once. For those who did vote more than once, their WIN number was tracked and all duplicate votes were deleted.

“Students had to enter their WIN number and pick their choices and again, it gets fed into that chart and spreadsheets and it was very clear who the winner is this year,” Howells said.

Coval said that changing the voting process for next year’s concert could be a possibility.

“I think that after this year, we are going to have to look at things again and see what we can do,” Coval said. “We have to see what is going to be the most efficient way to reach out to the most people.”

Howells seemed to second the suggestion by Coval.

“We are open to suggestions. Anybody who thinks that there may be a different way of doing it, we will certainly hear them out and are certainly willing to change,” Howells said.

Tickets for Neon Trees are now on sale. They are $10 for students and will be on sale all this week and Tuesdays and Thursdays during club hours the following weeks. Tickets are on a first-come basis.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer