The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

SG approves money to Vagina Monologues for upcoming show

Several highlights from Student Government meetings from Jan. 16 and Jan. 23 have included the following:

Jan. 16 budget:

All College

: $35,411.16


: $2,640

General Funds

: $20,075.85


: $1,200


: $2,493.44

Student Government Total

: $61,820.45

Jan. 23 budget:

All College

: $35,411.16


$ 2,640.00

General Funds:



: $1,200.00



Student Government Total:


The meeting Jan. 16 began with a presentation with a fund request from Miranda Baur, student director of the “Vagina Monologues.” “Vagina Monologues” is a set of short monologues designed to bring awareness to domestic violence.

She was requesting for $1,200 for student admittance to the show and an additional $100 to pay for women from the local center that have been affected by domestic violence.

The event will take place on Feb. 8-9 at 7 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. A motion was made Jan. 23 to allocate $1,200 to the “Vagina Monologues” with the condition that they provide a record of students who attended the event. The motion was passed 32-1-9.

Vice President Ian Foley gave a presentation Jan. 16 on Winter Weekend. During the Jan. 16 meeting it was announced that this year’s theme is “Comic Book Superheroes and Villains” and preliminary ideas and thoughts were discussed.

At the meeting on Jan. 23, Foley requested $4,045 for the Winter Weekend budget. A motion was made to allocate $4,095 for the purchase of Winter Weekend items and supplies. The motion passed 32-1-9.

President Kris Rivers announced at the Jan. 16 meeting that there would be an Open House on Jan. 26 and requested for student volunteers to serve on a student panel.

At the Jan. 16 meeting, President Patrick Leahy stopped by to welcome students back to campus. He announced that he will be forming three committees in the future and asked for student participation: a strategic planning committee, campus planning committee and an innovation council.

At the Jan. 16 meeting, Rivers issued a plea to SG members to be mindful of their actions on and off campus. He also reminded members of Wilkes’ alcohol policy and Pennsylvania state laws on alcohol.

Director of Residence Life Elizabeth Swantek announced at the Jan. 16 meeting that Health Services is offering flu shots to students for $20.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer