The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

President Leahy updates SG on various campus issues

President Leahy updates SG on various campus issues

The Student Government meeting on Nov. 8 was called to order at 6:11p.m.

All College: $2,660

Conference: $700

General Funds: $6,313.35

Leadership: $600

Spirit: $873.34

Student Government Total: $11,146.69

The Health and Wellness club was present at the meeting to give the SG board a club update. HAWC is an organization for the purpose of living a healthier lifestyle both on and off campus.

Trey Tietz and Samantha Bickert represented the club and gave a recap on the Shaun T event that was held on campus Nov. 3. Tietz said that there were more than 220 people in attendance and included students, alumni and surrounding community members.

He also said merchandise sales and half of Shaun T’s paycheck from the event were going to be donated to the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. Tietz said it would be a donation totaling more than $4,000.

Bickert said the club is still waiting on totals from the event and will give back any money to SG that was not used for student participation. Tietz said the club has held many healthy bake sales on campus as fundraisers. He also said they have 30 active members in the club and offer workouts five days a week. Also, HAWC is working with Chef Brian Kaden to offer healthier options for students and faculty in the dining room.

President Patrick Leahy was present at the meeting. He said he hopes to make regular appearances at the meetings to know what is going on with students and opened the floor for questions from student members.

Topics discussed included the campus’s emergency preparedness regarding Hurricane Sandy, pre-registration for classes and the problems with parking on campus.

SG President Kris Rivers said he is working with Commuter Council and Student Affairs to help with the parking situation on campus to help alleviate any problems in the future. President Leahy also discussed that the more students, faculty and alumni that he meets makes him more enthused to be president at Wilkes and it is an unbelievable privilege to be president.

He gave an update on the new Cohen Science Center, saying that it is on budget and on schedule to be finished for the fall 2013 semester. He also announced the first Mayor’s Cup March. The event was held on Saturday, Nov. 10.

He invited students and faculty to march with him from the River Common’s Northampton Street corridor to Ralston Field for the Mayor’s Cup. He also announced that he is forming a Relay for Life team for the event in April.

The Nursing Student Organization was back for a second week for their fund requests to attend a conference near Pittsburgh. President Emily Christian was there along with Vice President Kaci Rirosik and Secretary Kellie Taylo.

Christian said they have decided to bump down the amount requested to just registration costs. The NSO previously requested $1,500, but bumped it down to $560. A motion was made to allocate $560 to the NSO to attend the conference. The motion passed 36-1-6.

Phi Beta Lambda, or Future Business Leaders of America, was there for the first week of club recognition. Adam Wychowanec was there to discuss the club with the SG board. The purpose of the club is to highlight the business department at Wilkes. The club will attend regional, state and national competitions in fields within the business world. Wychowanec will be back the following week for the final week of club recognition.

Junior Class President Julie Miller presented for the Capital Projects Committee. They want to purchase two new water fountains for the campus. The cost for the two fountains is $1,866 and they are also asking for $400 for additional supplies. Representatives will be back next week for the final week of funds approval.

Nominations for Members of the Month were announced. Nominations included Samantha Earley, Kyle Wolfe, Christian Victoria and Logan Rutch. The winner was Kyle Wolfe for his work in organizing the T-shirt sale for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer