The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

College dean honored for work in Tanzania

The dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences was recently honored at a Jubilee Celebration for her work in Tanzania.

Dean Linda Winkler has been working with the Nyakahanga Hospital in Karagwe, Tanzania, since 2001.

“There have been lots of rewarding things, like seeing the children that we’re supporting through Embrace a Child, gain hope and grow up with the ability to go to school,” Winkler said.

At the celebration, Winkler was honored for her 10 years of service to the hospital. Among the people who attended the ceremony were the former President of Tanzania, a Tanzanian Cabinet member, and the doctor that oversees the hospital.

“The Jubilee Celebration was great and it was a real local community event,” Winkler said, “You get a sense of how a local community is working together and its partners come together.”

Over her many years of service, Winkler has done many projects, including writing a children books series that was written in Swahili.

“We did a children’s book series with partners there. That was very rewarding because we used grant money and we funded the printing of these books in Swahili,” Winkler said, “We passed them out and it was great to be a part of that partnership, particularly because our partners there were really proud of these books.”

Winkler also added that it is great to have students and faculty involved with the projects over the years.

“It is incredibly rewarding when you are working with students and they have experiences that they consider life changing; things that transform them and their career,” Winkler said.

Winkler discussed that she wants to be able to work with her partners for future projects in Tanzania.

“I am hoping to work with them and to help  accomplish what they want,” Winkler said, “My commitments are to my partners and to assist them in whatever ways I can.”

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer