The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Stachacz’s new role helps out IT

Called to order at 5:58 p.m.

All college: $2,660

Conferences: $700

General funds: $6,313.35

Leadership: $600

Spirit: $873.34

Student Government total: $11,146.69

An update from library Dean John Stachacz was given to the Student Government board. Stachacz said he has assumed an additional role on campus, and that is dean of Information Technology Services. He said his office will remain in the library, but will now have to two administrative roles to fill. He said that he is hoping to get IT Services more responsive and able to help students even more. He said if anyone has any questions to please contact him.

Representatives from Nursing Student Organization were present at the meeting. The NSO is an organization that represents nursing students here on campus. Three student representatives are requesting funds for a conference in Philadelphia regarding first-aid and nursing. They are requesting $1,500 from SG in order to attend the conference. There are 16 people registered for the trip.

There are several campus events coming up in the next two months. Council of Clubs will be held on Nov. 6. Wing Wars has been rescheduled to Nov. 19. The Inter-Residence Hall Council Study Break party will be on Dec. 10. The SG Retreat has been scheduled for Nov. 14.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer