The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Studio 20 presents update

The meeting was called to order at 5:57 p.m.

All college: $2,660.00

Conferences: $700.00

General funds: $6,434.18

Leadership: $600.00

Spirit: $873.34

Student Government total: $11,267.52

Studio 20, the student-run design studio run through the Integrative Media department, presented its club report to update SG on its activities. It has many community service projects planned including helping out with the Empty Bowls campaign.

The group is working with the Integrative Media and Art departments. They said that they have a lot of client-based work and will be helping them with logo services. They announced that they now have a logo for the club.

Studio 20 members said they are willing to help anyone who would like to use their services, and they have a wait list for services. Also, they said they have approximately 10 students involved but hope that it will expand in the future.


Homecoming recap was presented at the meeting. Corresponding Secretary Amber Konopka said the event was a huge success and the turnout at every event was great. SG members discussed comments and feedback for next year’s celebration. Konopka also issued a big thanks to everyone who had a part in homecoming this year.

Community Service

Next on the agenda was an overview of the new community service website, GiveGab. President Kris Rivers gave a brief overview of how to navigate the site of how students can add community service hours, how to find community service, and how to create events.


Student Services executive director Janine Becker asked SG members about an effective way to contact students about their accounts. She said it was pre-registration week and students are just realizing holds on their accounts and therefore cannot register for classes. She said any feedback from members on how to efficiently contact students would be greatly appreciated.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m.

About the Contributor
Shawn Carey, Contributing Writer