A registered dietician held a presentation on Tuesday, February 21st on the Wilkes campus.
Susan Hurd, of Sodexo Dining Services, says that we should all eat healthy because we will acquire more energy, which will reduce the risk of high-blood pressure and minimize the possibility of a stroke.
There is a rising concern in the United States about child obesity. Children who eat an enormous amount of chips, candy, white bread, and cookies when they’re young are at risk of becoming obese when they are adults.
People who are obese are at risk for diabetes, a disease that causes those who have it to limit their diet . Alledgedly, There are about 26 million diabetics in the United States alone, and they can’t have seconds at any meal, according to the guidelines at Wesley Village nursing home.
The best way to curb diabetes is to cut out the starchy foods such as chips, diet soda and sugar packed snacks. Hurd provided examples of foods that should be part of a diabetic diet.
“Eat more whole grain, vegetables, fruits, low-fat or fat free milk, yogurt, cheese, or fortified soy beverages, and vegetable oils,” Hurd said.
According to Hurd healthy eating is necessary but it is important to eat at every meal. skipping either breakfast, lunch, or dinner every day is not a good sign.
“Always eat breakfast, because it is the most important meal of the day,” Hurd said.
Ron Williams, manager of the dining services at Wilkes, says they sell everything, including a daily lineup at Rifkin café for regular eaters as well as vegetarians.
The café sells everything from the soup of the day, low fat desserts, pizza, pasta, Vegetable sauce, and veggie burgers. The vegetarians have to sign their name on a sign-up sheet, because they have to keep track of who’s a vegetarian and send the sheets to Sodexo.
The food costs in the community are high, but at Wilkes they are set by the school itself.
“The costs are controlled and contracted by the school,” said Williams.
The deliveries for the Sodexo food services are on M/W/F for produce and dairy products and for bread and bagels delivery comes every day. Some nutritional foods, chicken patties, raw chicken-stir fry, grilled chicken and so on. Some regular foods that sell are pork, chicken breasts, and this is all served fresh daily.
“The students/faculty can purchase meal plans that are located between the dining services and the school,” said Williams.
In conclusion, the dining rooms in the Henry Student center are becoming more healthy, as the workers are selling more helath oriented foods. This falls in line with the national trends that indicate that we are becoming health conscience.