Meet the Majors: Psychology

Keelyn Myers
Krista Morris
Sarah Schoff
Balla McKeefery

Name: Sarah Aschoff

Major: Psychology

Academic Year: Senior

What is your favorite mechanical engineering class you have taken and why? My favorite psychology class I have taken so far was PSY 311: Behavioral Neuroscience with Dr. Schicatano. In the class we were able to do a variety of dissections of the brain, along with learning about multiple types of mental disorders, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

What is your favorite aspect of mechanical engineering?  My favorite aspect of my major is how the classes are set up. Originally I was a biology major and the classes were constructed rigidly and you took notes the whole time. Whereas in psych classes, they are mostly discussion based and I feel you can connect deeper with the subject this way.

What are you looking forward to this year? I am looking forward to being a part of the psychology club and forming stronger connections with my peers.

Why did you choose this major? I chose this major because I always liked learning about psychology in high school and I like how it incorporates anatomy as well.

What do you hope to achieve from mechanical engineering? With this major I hope to go into law enforcement and potentially work in Washington, D.C.


Name: Keelyn Myers 

Major: Psychology

Academic Year: Sophomore

What is your favorite mechanical engineering class you have taken and why? I really enjoyed the developmental psych class because it filled my interest more about how children develop. I love learning about the early stages of development especially with children. 

What is your favorite aspect of mechanical engineering?  My favorite aspect of my major is taking a different psychology class. I am in personality psychology now and so far love how we learn different types of behaviors. I overall just like how the different psych classes are different and give me more of an understanding of the different aspects through psychology. 

What are you looking forward to this year? I am looking forward to this year expanding my knowledge of psychology and the different aspects. I have already really enjoyed the psychology courses I have already taken. 

Why did you choose this major? I chose this major because I always had a passion for children and how they learn and develop. I am also big on mental health and want to help children and teens with their mental health. 

What do you hope to achieve from mechanical engineering?  I am hoping to either get a Phd. in child psychology or counseling for children with mental health concerns. 


Name: Krista Morris

Major: Psychology

Academic Year: Sophomore

What is your favorite mechanical engineering class you have taken and why? My favorite psychology class I have taken is definitely developmental psychology. This was my favorite course because it covers the development of your brain from infancy to late adulthood. We learned how things develop and why that makes us who we are.

What is your favorite aspect of mechanical engineering?  My favorite aspect of being a psychology major is learning why people may act the way they do. There are so many factors that influence a person and it is fun to understand that on a psychological level.

What are you looking forward to this year? This year I am looking forward to my personality psychology class and digging deeper into what makes up a person’s personality.

Why did you choose this major?  I did not come to Wilkes as a psychology major but my freshman year I took a Psych 101 class and it really opened my eyes to the world of psychology. It was so interesting to me and I knew that I wanted to pursue psychology instead.

What do you hope to achieve from mechanical engineering? After graduating from Wilkes with a psychology major, I plan to attend graduate school. From there I am not exactly sure which direction I will go. I am definitely interested in being a therapist or possibly pursuing a social work career.


Name: Bella McKeefery

Major: Psychology

Academic Year: Sophomore

What is your favorite mechanical engineering class you have taken and why? My favorite psych class I have taken was developmental psychology because I learned about how our environment affects our development from such a young age. It is so interesting to learn about the impact and importance of our childhood on our development.  

What is your favorite aspect of mechanical engineering?  My favorite aspect of the major is the ability to apply it to life and find some explanations for why we are the way we are. 

What are you looking forward to this year?  I am looking forward to my internship this semester. I think it is going to be a great experience and will help me find the path I want to take after I graduate. 

Why did you choose this major?  I chose this major because the subject of psychology was always so interesting to me. I love learning about the way the brain works in terms of our psychology. I love being able to understand what is going on inside our heads. 

What do you hope to achieve from mechanical engineering?  I am hoping to go to grad school after I am done here at Wilkes and pursue a career in the field of psychology.