The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The art of anime colors Wilkes alive through unique club

Action plots, colorful images, strong characters and a special time in the week where friends who share the same interest  can meet.


That is what Amine Club strives to provide for members.


“I’d say that the club’s mission is to explore different types of anime and games,” Kathryn Evans, president of Amine Club said. “We try to be broad in terms of what we watch, like this semester we are watching supernatural genre and a sport genre.”


Creating a respective space where people can be together to appreciate a particular interest was always a focus for this artist club.


“One of my favorite things about this club is that anyone of any age and any major can come and feel welcome,” Sarah Allwein, PharmD. candidate ‘17, said.


The club offers a break from the reality of school work if a fun and sociable way.


“It’s a nice, laid back space where people can come and watch some shows or just play games with each other,” Evans said. “We don’t have mandatory meetings and we aren’t an academic club.  It’s really a come as you go club as long as you respect it.”


However if you are an active member to the meeting it is noticed.


Evans adds “we are trying to get together with Misericordia’s Anime Club, and we usually try to get active club members together to go to conventions.”


Along with the fun and relaxing aspect of the club, charity is also important to the Amine Club. It would not be the Amine Club though if the charity work was not fun.


Evans says “we have our fundraisers and charity work that follow themes of the club.”


To elaborate more on that, clubs under Student Government law have to have fundraising and community service of some kind. The Amine Club tries to complete these requirements in a fashion that stays true to the core goal of the club: exploration of anime and games.


“We will be hosting a Super Smash Bros. tournament on Oct. 24 from 5 to 8 in the Miller Room. It’s $10 to participate and the winner will receive a 3DS and super smash bros. for the system,” Allwein explained. “All the money will go to a charity called Child’s Play, who strive to purchase video game consoles for children in hospitals to give them some fun activities.”


In recent years the club has expanded from just the tradition anime to include gaming.


“In addition to watching anime, we also do pen-and paper RPGs, console gaming ,like N64, card games including both Magic the Gathering style and Blackjack style and pretty much any other game someone requests,” Allwein said.

There is always fun and knowledge to be learned in this exploratory club. Any questions about Anime Club contact Kathryn Evans at [email protected].

About the Contributor
Nicole Zukowski
Nicole Zukowski, Life, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Nicole Zukowski is a junior Communication Studies major with concentrations in journalism, public relations and rhetoric. Nicole, a Dean’s List student, is also studying in three minors: History, Marketing, and Women’s and Gender Studies.

Nicole has been on the Beacon staff since her first semester at Wilkes. She has held various positions on The Beacon such as Assistant News Editor, News Editor, and now she is currently the Life, Arts and Entertainment Editor.

Apart from The Beacon, Nicole spends her time as Co-Editor of the Medium, the Department of Communication Studies newsletter and as Co-Office Manager for Zebra Communications, the student-run public relations agency on the Wilkes University campus and is a member of the Public Relations Society of America.