The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Development Week aims to help students prepare for future

A series of events designed to help students prepare for careers and life after college is being presented during Professional Development Week Oct. 14-18.

The week includes a series of workshops to assist with resumes, interviewing, goal setting, grad school, and so on. The various topics discussed in each workshop including Resume Review and Resume Express. Specific workshops will only be offered on certain days.

Monday started the week with workshops on resume building and reviewing, using social media in the job search and what do say to employers to get an interview.

Tuesday’s workshops include graduate school testing, what to do to build a resume between jobs, using social media in the job search, resume review and building and what not to wear at an interview.

Wednesday will consist of workshops to help students learn what questions to ask in an interview to get noticed, how to make the right first impression and a lecture about goal setting, motivation and nonverbal rapport building. This lecture will be given by Dr. Edward Schicatano, an associate professor of psychology at Wilkes.

Schicatano said this lecture will teach students that “by thinking about something that a student was motivated before in the past and truly revisiting it in their minds they can set up a signal that they can employ later to enter this state of motivation any anytime that they want. It’s a technique called ‘anchoring’ that one can use anytime that they need to activate a resourceful state.”

He said his lecture “will provide students with insights into the elements that are key to being successful in whatever career they choose.”

The highlight of the week is on Thursday, the Internship Fair, where more than 40 companies will be searching for Wilkes students to intern for them. Students should be appropriately dressed and have 20 to 25 copies of their resumes, said Sharon Castano, internship coordinator at Wilkes.

Students can go to the Cooperative Education Office or visit to see a schedule and a list of the companies attending the fair.

On Friday, the etiquette luncheon presented by the Alumni Office and Career Services will teach students the manners that come into play when out to lunch on an interview or having dinner with one’s boss. Lunch will be served to demonstrate etiquette.

Registration is required to attend the luncheon. Students can sign up at the registration table at Thursday’s Internship Fair or go to to register.

To see a complete list of time and places for each event of Professional Development Week, students can check the today@wilkes email or stop by the Cooperative Education Office in the second floor of the student center.

About the Contributor
Ashley Evert
Ashley Evert, Managing Editor
Ashley Evert is a senior Communications Studies major studying dual concentrations in journalism and public relations. She is also studying three minors: English, Integrative Media, and Women's and Gender Studies. Ashley has written a beauty column for The Beacon since her freshman year and moved her way from staff writer to L&A&E assistant editor to her current position as Managing Editor.
The Beacon has given her a chance to dabble in other types of writing such as an alternative sports column and college cuisine column.
Ashley hopes to use her organizational and interpersonal skills to recruit new members who will grow, strengthen and diversify The Beacon.