The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

The news of today reported by the journalists of tomorrow

The Beacon

Tucker Max’s writing is hard to put down, but it’s not for everyone

Many of you have probably heard of Tucker Max. Best known for his runaway bestseller “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,” Max created his own genre dubbed “fratire”.  “Hilarity Ensues” is Max’s third and final book of this nature.

Many people have been offended by his writing, and just as many have laughed hysterically over it. Even so, Max’s books should come with a warning “do not try this at home, unless you’re Tucker Max.”

Most of Max’s stories center around drinking and sexual escapades. The main thing I wondered though was, how does he get away with all of this?

This man spent a month in Cancun, while he was enrolled in law school. To top it all off, he still passed.

Max not only admits that he is a jerk, but is proud of it. He has the biggest ego of any autobiographer out there. He has vices that society frowns upon and an intelligence level most of us wish that we possessed. Even if you end up pretty much disgusted with him, depending on how easily offended you are, you still don’t want to put the book down.

Tucker and his cast of friends move throughout life and go on ridiculous adventures that land them in various parts of the country, in jail at the O’Hara airport, on the Northwestern of “Deadliest Catch” fame and in many, many bars. He tells these stories with as much honesty as he can remember and even the pickiest of readers can all agree on that one thing: the man can write.

These books do not necessarily need to be read in order of publication date. The stories are different each time. The only part that might be confusing would be to figure out who some of his nicknamed friends are, but Max explains it as well as he can without going over the entire cast of his life again. The first book has also been turned into a movie.

Tucker Max is a phenomenon, something no one understands, something most young adult men want to emulate for a short period of time and something women are confused by. Max is loud, crude and does some of the most infantile things, but he is also intellectual and hilarious and much more honest than many autobiographers out there today. He has captivated many people with his writing and the “fratire” genre he’s created.

If you are not sure whether or not his writing is too crude for you, check out his website,, and sample some of his stories there.

2.5 stars out of 5