Humans of Wilkes: Angel Salceda

“My name is Angel Salceda. I am 25 years old, and I am in the MEDUCA Bilingual Panama Program. I came here with 19 other students on Aug. 24, and we will be leaving on Dec. 14. This program sends students not only to different states throughout the United States of America, but also to the United Kingdom and Canada. The purpose of the program is to learn the SIOP model and different strategies we can use within the classroom and our daily lives. During my time here, I have gone ice-skating, bowling, traveled to Knoebel’s, Dorney Park and New York City, where I saw Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park and Time Square. What I really like here at Wilkes University are the classes I have with Mr. Vito and Mrs. Domicella. I have learned a lot with them. When I return to Panama, I aspire to teach like them. I also look forward to spending time with my son, friends and family, practice breakdancing with my crew, and share all the information I have learned here.”